Last month my friend Alena LaBorde started blogging. The Upside of Downs is already gaining readers, and will be successful because Alena is writing about the thing that is nearest and dearest to her heart, her daughter Riley.
When my daughter was born(almost 4 years ago) she was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. After the shock wore off, I immersed myself in finding all the information I could on Downs. Books and the Internet provided a lot of valuable, scientific, clinical, and medical information. There was however, a lack of real world info. To help fill this void, I am BLOGGING. This will be a light hearted, irreverent, and true account of raising a child who is beautiful, smart, funny, sassy, sweet, loving, kind, and who happens to have Down Syndrome. I hope that this blog will bring smiles and laughter and show UPSIDE of DOWNS!
I have had the privilege of knowing Riley from the time she was born and can attest that she truly is a remarkable little girl.
Alena and Gerard are bringing her up right, as you can see from the outfit in the picture!
Jim, I bet you bleed purple. LOL. God sends us children as a gift. Some gifts are more special than others. I think of a nephew of mine who has downs, he is so loving. I also think of a former dallas and alabama coach, Gene Stallings who had a child with downs who impacted the lives of so many of the athletes that he coached. I heard his story on Focus on the Family, it was great.